Rather, cling tightly to the Lord your God as you have done until now. —Joshua 23:8

Cling to what is good (Romans 12:9). Don’t cling to deceit (Jeremiah 8:5). Nor cling to worthless idols (Jonah 2:8). Cling to His Word (Luke 8:15). Cling to your faith in Christ (I Timothy 1:19).

A child clings to their mom’s leg for security and comfort. A grieving couple clings to each other for comfort and encouragement. Soldiers cling together in the heat of battle. A man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.

Clinging… we are to cling to the Lord God Almighty. Are you clinging to Him? Do so whether times are good or times are difficult. We need to cling to Him. He is our life (Galatians 2:20).

Dear Father, please help me to cling to Jesus. May he be the top priority in my life for my whole life. May it be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.

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