The angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, “You are sterile and childless, but you are going to conceive and have a son.” —Judges 13:1
Imagine the joy of this woman who desired to have a child. She was “sterile and childless.” That is utterly painful for a woman who wants to have children. But nothing is impossible with our Lord. He who created all things has no problem telling a woman that she is “going to conceive and have a son” even though she is sterile.
The One who created the universe is all-powerful and can do whatever He desires. In this case Manoah’s wife would have a son as she would be supernaturally enabled to do so. Samsom would be that son born and God had a plan for him.
Whether supernaturally or naturally, God enables women to conceive and have children. He has purpose for each child. Satan is a destroyer and will seek to destroy children any way he can— just as he sought to kill Jesus when He was born. He worked through King Herod to attempt that (Matthew 2:16; II Timothy 2:26; Revelation 12:4). Whether Satan uses a king or an abortionist, his plan is the same—- to destroy life, the precious life God gives.
Have you thanked God for your life? Have you thanked your parents for life? Are you grateful for the life you have been given. God has purpose for you. Have you found out what that is? Are you reading His Word and listen to Him? Are you lovingly obeying Him with what you know? He gave you life and marked out a race that you are to run with perseverance as you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2). So, run that race!
Thank You Father for the life You have given me. Now that I know Jesus, may I faithful live according to Your desires. I am also grateful that my parents gave me life as You enabled them. So may I live faithfully for You by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son, Jesus.
He not only gives physical life, but He also gives eternal life. Have you found out how? Get this out!