And Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all his days… —II Kings 12:2

And they did not ask an accounting from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to pay out to the workmen, for they dealt honestly. —II Kings 12:15

            Doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord is what really counts.  “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13).  So may we do what is right in His sight according to His Word that He has given us and by the power of His Holy Spirit which resides in every follower of His.

            When leadership is doing what is “right in the eyes of the LORD all his days,” then that will have appositive impact on society— “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).  Righteous leadership causes people to rejoice and thrive, “but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding” (Proverbs 28:12).  Oh, to have leadership that would do “right in the eyes of the LORD all his days.”  Oh, that would be a joy and people would thrive.  We surely are not living in those times at the moment!

            But when there is leadership that is living “was right in the eyes of the LORD,” then that has a positive impact on society in general.  When “Jehoash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all his days” there was no need to “ask an accounting from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to pay out to the workmen, for they dealt honestly.”  Wow, can you imagine working and living in an environment with that type of honesty… with money dealings!

            Oh, that you and I would seek to do “right in the eyes of the LORD” all our days and to deal honestly in our lives.  Yes, Dear Father, this is my desire and may it be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  Yes, so may this be and all for Your Honor and glory!

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