Freely you have received; freely give. —Matthew 10:8

             What have you freely received from our Lord Jesus?  Really the answer is everything!  We were lost and He saved us.  We were in the kingdom of darkness and He transferred us into the kingdom of Light.  We were sin sick and dead, but He healed us and raised us to new life.  We were enslaved by Satan to do His will and now we have been freed by Jesus to do His will.  All of this we have received freely.  He gave without cost to us, but it was at great cost to Him!  Now He desires us to give to others what we received.  May we do so!

            We who have received so much are to bring this good news to others.  Just as we have freely received we are to freely give.  So, will I do that today?  Will I bring this good news to someone else?  Will I share this awesome gift with others?  Oh may I do so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.

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