As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.  —I Peter 4:10-11

             Each person who has put their faith in Jesus has received at least one spiritual gift from God.  These gifts are given to be used in our service to one another.  Not all have the same gift or the same ability within that gift.  It is by the grace of God that these gifts are given and we are to be faithful stewards of them.

            There are speaking gifts and there are serving gifts.  These gifts are to be put into practice by the strength that God gives.  Only what is done through His power brings glory to God through Jesus, our King whose kingdom has no end.

            So how are you serving?  If you are not serving then you are not using the gift(s) God has given you to bring glory to His Name.  If you are not serving then you are not being a faithful steward of those gift(s) God has given you.  If you are not serving then you are not experiencing the power of God.  If you are not serving then you are not impacting others as God desires.  If you are not serving then you are not bringing glory to God. 

            On the other hand, if you are serving then you are using the gift(s) that God has given you.  If you are serving then you are being a faithful steward of those gift(s) God has given you.  If you are serving then you are experiencing the power of God.   If you are serving then you are impacting others as God desires.   If you are serving then you are bringing glory to God.  May you and I be faithful servants that we indeed would bring glory and honor to God.

Dear Father may I be faithfully serving with the gifts You have given me.  Oh, that I would mature in these areas and seek to bring glory and honor to You by applying these gifts as You would have me to.  May this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son.  Yes, so be it.

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