The Lord will do what is good in his sight. —I Chronicles 19:13

               Do you believe that? Are you absolutely convinced that our “Lord will do what is good in His sight?” What is it that is going on in your life at this present time? Do you believe He will do what is right in your situation and what He does “is good in His sight?” Oh, there is so much that we do not understand and why would that be surprising?   Look at the universe how grand and awesome a creation it is. How much of the universe do we understand? How much do we even know of? Our lives are pretty much tied to what is happening on a day to day basis around us. We really know little of the universe. Actually, we really know little of what is happening on this Earth at any given time.   Yes, we are very limited in our knowledge. How could we possible understand fully what our Lord God Almighty, who created the universe, is doing and how it all fits into His plans and purposes? Will you trust Him with whatever situation you are in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gSugruC1jQ

               The Lord always does what is good even though it might not feel like it in our lives. We can either trust Him with those things we do not understand or we can grate against them and try to figure it out ourselves, be defeated, doubting or angry.   How will you respond? As someone has once said, “Your response is your responsibility.”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo9ZWX1lEKI

Dear Father I do not understand so much of what You are doing. Thank You for what You have revealed to me and let me be faithful in that.   As to all I do not understand may I trust You by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. So be it!

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