Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. —I Chronicles 12:32

            These men of Issachar had an understanding and discernment of what was going on around them and they knew the action that the whole nation needed to take and be accomplished. Oh, how we need men like this today!

            Surely not only in our political leaders is this needed, but also in the church and other areas of our nation as well— business, education… We need to understand and discern what is happening around us so we can encourage what needs to be accomplished and the proper action to be taken at any level. Are you one of these people?

            Do you see what is happening around us… in our nation and in the world? Do you discern and understand what you need to encourage others to accomplish and the action that is needed to be taken?   Oh that many would be raised up who do understand the times, have a discerning heart and know what needs to be done.

            As I look around I understand that the church needs to be about the basics and not to allow tradition to get in the way. Disciples making disciples that make disciples… is one of the basics the church needs to get back to. Bringing the gospel to the lost who then become disciples that makes disciples is imperative and the church needs to be obedient to this.

            How are you and I making disciples that make disciples? So you have a heart to do so? Are you dissatisfied with “just going to church?” Do you truly want to be effective in honoring our Lord through making disciples that make disciples? We do not do this perfectly but we are seeking to be faithful to our Lord in this. Come join us. Go to www.disciplemakinglife.com (public page) and https://www.facebook.com/groups/612933666085433 (private page) as we seek to be faithful disciples that make disciples with others networking around the world until the work Jesus has given us is accomplished.

            During our times there is no doubt our Lord is calling us back to the basics of being witnesses/disciple makers. So come… network with us to reach the world (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20)… and then the end will come! Oh, that it would be so in our life-time! Dear Father may it be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. So be it!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x8TZiwPGa0

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