For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations. —22:28

            Is He your King? If so they you are His servant. How are you serving Him? Look at this world and consider how men and nations are self-serving. But you and I, brother and sister, are to be different because we belong to Him. We are not to be self-serving, but we are to be serving others. So how are you and I doing that? As Jesus’ friends we are to be also about His business. If you call Him King Jesus, then may there be evidence that this is absolutely true.

            This world is passing away. Our King is eternal. Life on this earth will conclude, but for all of us who have trusted Jesus then our life is eternal. We will be with King Jesus and all those who love Him. We will be with all those who want to be there. There will be no more death, conflict or sin in glory. Brother and sister that is where we are headed. So let us finish the race with perseverance that He has marked out for us.   Let us run for the benefit of others while keeping our eyes fixed on King Jesus. He started the work in our lives and He will finish it! Yes, Dear Father, may this be so in the power of Your Holy and in the authority of Your Son, King Jesus. So be it!

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