But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. —=Isaiah 64:8
The potter’s hands move with precision to form the vessel as he desires it to be. So too our Lord forms us. We are raw clay that He is forming according to His desires into a vessel that will accomplish His will. He presses on the clay of our lives and at times the pressure feels like it is more than we can take… but He is forming us, developing us, maturing us for His purposes through the process. We are the work of His hands and He has a finish planned for the His hands work in and through our lives.
Our Potter makes no mistakes. He makes no junk vessels in His Kingdom. Each vessel He has is for specific purpose. Yes, brother and sister, our Potter is actively shaping you. His hands are all over your life. No part of your life is going to waste. He is working the clay of every aspect to accomplish His purposes, shaping our lives according to His desires.
May we yield to His hands regardless of the pressure we may feel at times. Let us remember His hands are always upon our lives. He is always shaping our lives, always focusing on our lives, always at work in our lives and this will be so until this clay takes its last breath or He returns. So let us trust and yield to our Potter’s hands. We can fully trust Him to shape us into what He desires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88X4aVTk2rA
Dear Father so many times I feel like a broken vessel, but I am so glad that You are shaping me all my life and no brokenness goes unused by you. I am grateful to know this and that You will shape me into what You desire. May I not grate against Your hands, but yield and become what You desire. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. So be it!