Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. —I Peter 4:19

            Wow! Do you know that there is suffering that occurs to the followers of Jesus that is in accordance to God’s will? God is at work in suffering in many of His children. He has reasons for our suffering that we cannot fully understand, but He is fulfilling His purposes through it. He is a faithful creator and we are to entrust ourselves to Him in our suffering. Are you suffering? Are you trusting Him in and through the suffering? He is asking you to!

            Not only are we to entrust ourselves to Him when we go through suffering, but we are to be “doing good” even while in the suffering. Is that what you and I do or when suffering comes or do we retreat into ourselves and isolate ourselves? That is not what God has called us to do in the suffering. He has good for us to do while in the suffering.   Do we think like this? Or are we so focused on ourselves in the suffering that we do not think about doing any good, but only focus on our own lives?

            Understand that in the will of God there is suffering. Do we have a hard time understanding that? His Word is clear. He is active in suffering. He knows our suffering. He is working in and through our suffering. His plans are being worked out in and through our suffering and He desires us to continue to do good in and through our suffering. Oh, that we would have this mindset! Don’t let suffering defeat you in doing good. May it be so.

Dear Father whatever suffering and difficulty may come into my life, may I continue to serve You and do good. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. So be it!

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