He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. —Titus 3:5

Because of his grace he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.” Titus 3:7

You could not do anything righteous to be saved. You were wicked, unrighteous and headed for Hell. There was nothing you could do about you situation in your own strength. You were spiritually dead in your sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). Spiritually dead people have no life. You were doomed for an eternity separated from God— a horrible destination. So is the fate of all those who do not know Jesus.

The drowning man cannot save himself. He needs a savior. The life guard saves the man not on the merit of anything that drowning man has done. No the life guard saves the man because that is what he wants to do. The drowning man has nothing to do about it except to receive the saving offered Him.

So too it is with sinners. There was nothing we could do and there was nothing we had done to merit salvation— NOTHING, ABOSOLUTELY NOTHING! He saved us and declared us to be righteous even though we were not! In Him we are righteous! We grabbed a hold of Him when we felt Him grab a hold of us (John 6:44; 15:16). In the Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis— “You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you,” said the Lion.”

By pure grace He declared we sinners who were not righteous to be righteous. This is all His doing and how fortunate we are to know this and to receive this. He has also by His grace given “us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.” Are you excited about all this fellow follower of Jesus? It this does not excite you then I do not know what will. When we understand this— how awesomely gracious and merciful He is to us! Let us respond in praise and thanksgiving! This song has just be pouring though my soul with absolute delight for a few day—–

Dear Father, what joy fills my heart with all You are and what You have done for me through Your Son, Jesus and through Your Holy Spirit. Oh, be please to work through me to impact many lives for Your honor and glory. Oh, that many more people would come to know You to love for You and honor You. May it be so in the authority of Jesus.

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