“Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” —Mark 9:35

The greatest among you will be your servant. —Matthew 23:11

This is so contrary to the world, the flesh and the devil which all want to be first and to be served, not to serve. Who are thought to be the mighty people on the planet? Isn’t it those who have large entourages catering to their every need? The rich and powerful are thought to be the greatest in this world. Are they not what makes the world turn? But Jesus had a totally different perspective on who is the greatest or the first is. It is those who are willing to serve all and anyone.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2UErqHfC4c&index=97&list=PLcHqC9YNzSaD-O-rkP9o8hDA9jJ_oja4l Want to be a great servant of the Lord God Almighty… then serve! This is most powerful from the perspective of Jesus!

Dear Father, may I be willing to serve whoever You bring across my path today and every day. May it be done in the authority of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit’s power!

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