(John 15:1-17—- Abide in Jesus and bear much fruit that remains which glorifies our Father and proves we are Jesus’ disciples)


At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, “Ask what I shall give you….  Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?”  It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.  And God said to him, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, behold, I now do according to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days. —I Kings 3:5, 9-13

            Be honest… If our Lord appeared to you in a dream and said, “Ask what I shall give you,” what would you say?  Would you ask him to meet your needs according to the circumstances you are in?  Would you ask Him for long life or riches or revenge?   Right now, what would you ask Him for?

            Solomon asked for an “understanding mind.”  He wanted to “discern between good and evil.”  We wanted to be able to rightly “govern this your great people.”  This was his desire when our Lord said, “Ask what I shall give you.”  Again, what would you ask for? 

How good it would be for us if we asked for an “understanding mind.”  If we had a mind that could understand, to discern what is right and wrong, then that would cover all the issues of life we would be confronted with and understand the choices we need to make.

Our Lord answered Solomon not only with “a wise and discerning mind” that would be rivaled by no one, but because this was Solomon’s request, our Lord also added “both riches and honor.”  Our Lord said of Solomon that “No other king shall compare with you, all your days.”

Brother and sister, fellow follower of Jesus, we can ask our Lord for wisdom and we can bring all our requests for needs before Him.  He invites us to do so—

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” —Hebrews 4:15-26

            So… what is your need?  Bring it to our Lord!  He “knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8).  Jesus shows us that we should pray—

  • Acknowledging our Father in heaven
  • Acknowledging that even His Name is holy
  • Acknowledging the kingdom is His kingdom to come
  • Acknowledging that it is His will to be done
  • Acknowledging that it is He that feeds us
  • Acknowledging that it is He who forgives us
  • Acknowledging that it is He who desires us to forgive others
  • Acknowledging that it is He who keeps us from temptation
  • Acknowledging that it is He who delivers us from the evil one —-Matthew 6:9-13

Yes, Dear Father, thank You that we can come with all our needs by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus— knowing You hear and answer!

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