Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. –Matthew 6:34

             Where is your focus?  Are you focusing on living today?  Is your focus on what MIGHT happen tomorrow?  Are you already writing a script for tomorrow as to what MIGHT happen?  Is tomorrow and what MIGHT happen controlling your life today?  Are you being anxious over what MIGHT be going on tomorrow?

            Hey, live life today!  Be faithful to our Lord today.  The Lord that we serve is not only Lord over today, but He is Lord over tomorrow and over all of our days.  There could be trouble tomorrow, but we cannot write the script for tomorrow.  God along has marked out the race for us (Hebrews 12:1-2) and it is up to us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus while we run this race. We are to run with perseverance in script for us.  Focusing on what MIGHT be tomorrow is a hindrance to that race He has called us into for today.  Not only MIGHT it be a hindrance, but it MIGHT also be sin if we are not trusting Him over the circumstances that MIGHT be in tomorrow.

            Brother and sister run the race with perseverance He has marked out for you today.  A runner does run tomorrow’s race today.  No, he focuses on today’s race.  Then when tomorrow arrives he runs in that day as well.  Let us do the same! Do not be anxious over tomorrow’s part of the race He has marked out for you.  No, instead run the race that He has scripted for you today! Dear Father may this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  Oh, may this be so!

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