Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. —Psalm 143:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. —Psalm 32:8

God has promised to guide us and we can be absolutely sure of that fact. We need to be willing to yield to His guidance however He guides. That is key to faithfulness. If we have some pre-conceived idea of what we believe God’s will is, when it is not, then we will be headed off in the wrong direction. How many times have we done that? We can thank Him for His great patience with us.

Have you entrusted your life fully to the Lord God Almighty, our Father of Lights who only gives good gifts? This is also a key to faithfulness. If we do not fully trust Him then how will we be able to trust His guidance… especially when it does not make sense to us or others?

I remember when Elaine and I headed off to college with 3 pre-schoolers. There were some people, especially some of our relatives, who though1 we were crazy. I quit my job, though they treated me like I was retiring, giving me plagues and a monetary award. Our house did not sell and the Lord sent two sets of renters 2 days before we left to rent our two-family home. A brother in Jesus told us he would watch over the house and not to worry about it…

We loaded up a 26 foot Ryder moving truck and headed off to South Carolina with no idea where we were going to live. Elaine drove the van with the girls and I drove the truck with Jeremy. It was a long drive to Columbia, S.C. and we arrived late evening. We stayed in the women’s dorm for about a week as we looked for a place to rent, but the Lord lead us to a place to buy instead. He provided for us in so many ways the 3 years we were in S.C. for college. We had entrusted our lives to Him and He took care of us. But, we had to do our part as well. He led us to start a lawn/landscaping/odd jobs business to bring us through those years. Elaine also had a product selling business. Yes, we entrusted Him and He took care of us.

We will never know His faithfulness in any area of life until we fully trust Him in that area. What is He prompting you to do? Trust Him fully for it and see His wonderful Hand at work! He is fully trustworthy.

Dear Father, thank You that I can fully trust You in the way You desire me to go. May I be sensitive to Your direction and go forward doing what You desire me to do and trust You for what I cannot do. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus my Lord. So be it.

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