Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. Moses could no longer enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. —Exodus 4:34-35
As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out to him the various Temple buildings. But he responded, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!” —Matthew 24:1-2
“The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about—the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” (Reader, pay attention!) —Matthew 24:15
For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones. —Matthew 24:21-22
The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle and Moses was not able to enter it. Image that and today the glory of the Lord fills His temple still! We who have trusted Jesus are His temple! —“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (I Corinthians 6:19-20). Awesome!
The tabernacle was replaced by the temple and when Jesus was on the earth He said that temple would be destroyed and it was. Now we who have trusted Jesus are His temple in whom His Holy Spirit dwells. But then He spoke of another day when “when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about—the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place (Reader, pay attention!).” Apparently the temple is going to be rebuilt and it will be at that time when “there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again.” This is in the future, but it may not be too far away in the future.
Brother and sister, while we are dwelling in these temple bodies with the Lord’s glory filling us, may we shine for Him and let His glory be seen in and through us. Oh, may this be so to the glory and honor of our Lord God Almighty.
Dear Father, may Your glory be seen in and through me to impact others around me for Your honor and glory. Oh, may this be so in power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.