He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves!” —Matthew 21:13

The temple was supposed to be a place of prayer, but thieves in the temple distracted people away from that. Today, our bodies are His temple. Are there “thieves” that distract us away from prayer? Maybe the thief of business keeps us from prayer. Or, maybe it is the thief of priorities. Could it be the thief of laziness or apathy that keeps us from prayer? Is there anything in your life right now that is keeping you from prayer?

Are there prayer times at your local fellowship of believers? What keeps you from being there with those who are praying? Is it not a priority? Is it not important? Does it really matter? Am I truly a praying person, persistence in prayer and not giving up (Luke 18:1-8)? Oh, that I may take time to spend talking with the Lord to start the day and to talk with Him throughout the day. May it be so!

Dear Father, thank You that You are always available to talk with. May I do so often. You have made this possible through Jesus and by Your Holy Spirit. I am grateful.

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