For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners. —Matthew 9:13

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” —Matthew 8:37-38

Hospitals exist because of people who are sick. Medical staff is needed to serve these sick people. Both the hospital and staff exist because of sickness.

So too this is why the church exists, because of spiritually sick people. Those who are part of the church, the ones who have truly trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, are in the healing process. Those who do not know Jesus are spiritually sin sick sinners who will experience the horror of the second death if they do not trust Jesus (Revelation 20:15).

Ambulances go out to bring in to the hospital physically sick people. Those who truly know Jesus (the church) are also to go out and encourage spiritually sick sinners to come into the church (that is, to trust the Lord Jesus Christ) and begin their spiritual healing process.

There are many in this world that do not live close to hospitals and when they get severely sick many of them die. So too there are many spiritually sin sick sinners who need a follower of Jesus to go to them with the restorative medicine of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ so they can have life.

Are you a spiritual ambulance ready to respond to those who desperately need to have the gospel of Jesus administered to their lives? Will you bring this live-giving spiritual medicine to the lost and dying? May it be so.

Dear Father, please help me to respond to those around me who need Jesus. Thank You for bringing me to Him and for the spiritually healing You have given me through Jesus. Oh, that many others would experience this as we bring the good news of the gospel to them.

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