Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. —Matthew 3:2
Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? —Matthew 3:7
Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. —Matthew 3:8
As they were walking along the warning sirens sounded. They immediately turned and ran for the storm shelter. The thunderous storm passed over them. They were safe inside and out of the storm path’s wrath.
The call to repent is not an optional idea. There are real and eternal consequences for not repenting, for not turning from one’s sin and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ which is seen by a changed life. The judgment of God will come upon each person who does not want to take shelter in His Son. God’s Son took the penalty and punishment for our sin and by trusting Him we are sheltered from God’s wrath and given God’s righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21). Amazingly and sadly there are many who do not want to take shelter in Jesus and live for Him out of gratefulness. Instead, they would rather live for themselves and stand in the path of the wrath to come. This indeed is sad.
Dear Father, please help many to understand they need to turn from their own sinful ways, trust the Lord Jesus and live faithfully for Him. Oh, may they escape the wrath to come and take shelter in Jesus. May it be