In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. —Acts 14:8-10

It is fun to watch the progression of children’s motor abilities from infancy. As a baby they mostly just lay on their back cooing or crying, helpless. Then they get to a point where they can roll over. Eventually up on their arms or hands to start pushing their torso up. Then some children do the army crawl while others get up on both hands and knees to crawl. Then they start kneeling while holding onto something and eventually they pull themselves up to stand while holding on. Not long after they venture to take a couple steps before falling down to a sitting position or flat on their face and soon they are toddling. Soon after that stage they increase quickly in their walking skills.

Think about that as you ponder the verses above and what took place in this man’s life. He had never walked before, but when God did a miracle in his life, it was not just the walking, but it was being able to walk without going through the stages of learning how to walk! Not only that, he immediately had the skill to jump up. Part of this wonderful miracle was that God gave him the ability to skip the stages of learning to walk and to be able to walk immediately. That is so awesome and only God could do that.

Now, let’s say you or I were living at the time and were a friend or relative of this man. Can you imagine introducing him to someone the next day saying, “I would like you to meet “Harry” (the man’s name was not given). By the way, Harry just started walking yesterday.” If the person you told was an unsaved scientist he would probably have thought “sure, that is not impossible. This man would have had to go through the learning stages before he could walk. It would have been a long process that would take much time.”

God caused a grown man to walk without the process of time that it normally takes. God did this and surely He made Adam and Eve mature in a moment as well. They did not develop as the typical person does. So too the earth was created mature… and the universe… This awesome Lord God Almighty confounds the intellectuals. They “lean on their own understanding” and do not trust the plain teaching of His Word.

Our God is an AWESOME God and He can do whatever He wants regardless of what man thinks…

Thank You Heavenly Father for me being able to know a bit of how powerful You are! Yes, You can do anything You desire and You never depend on man’s understanding to do it. May I truly seek to understand You and not man’s idea of You. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us in Your Word. I am grateful!

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