
A heart beats with the chest of a 91 year old man. It is a human heart that he has, no doubt. A heart is also beating in the chest of a 50 year old woman. Yes, it is also a human heart, no doubt. There is a teen-age girl whose heart too is beating systematically within her. Surely her heart is a human heart as well. Then there is a lively boy five years of age and a cooing girl only one month old. They have human hearts, no doubt. What do you say about a child whose heart is beating at 3 weeks and a day in the womb? That child also has a human heart beating within the chest. It is not a monkey’s heart, no a pig’s heart… it is a human heart.

To intentional rip the body apart of the 91 year old man, the 50 year old woman, the teen-age girl, the five year old boy or the one month old girl to stop the heart from beating would be murder. There is no way you or anybody else can justify tearing apart a human in the womb to stop its beating heart that is, yes, human!

If you agree it would be murder for the 91 year old man, the 50 year old woman, the teen-age girl, the five year old boy or the one month old girl, then what kind of perverse logic is being used to say it is ok to murder a child in the womb and stop the beating heart, the same human beating heart that you and I have?

The most helpless among us needs a voice that will boom out the injustice that has taken place on so many helpless lives. May you be that voice.

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