This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. —-Nehemiah 8:10

Joy is not dependent on circumstances, happiness is. True joy is determined by relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Circumstances and situations may change, but those who have a relationship with God through Jesus have a relationship that will NEVER change! Nothing or no one can change that. Nor can anything or anyone take away our joy!




When we get the focus off of ourselves as first priority and focus on Jesus we experience joy. When we get our focus off self and focus on helping others we experience joy. Then when we consider ourselves we will experience joy because of the two others mention and all we have in Jesus! Oh, may the joy of Jesus, serving others and knowing what we ourselves have in Jesus bring you great joy today! Our joy in Him is our strength!

Dear Father, may I always look to Jesus first. Then may I be mindful of others. I know that this will bring me great joy! May this be done in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. May it be so!

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