Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.  Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you. —Psalm 51:12-13

             Sin robs us of the joy that His salvation brings and the only way to restore that joy is to call on Him for forgiveness, acknowledging our sin to Him and desiring to turn from it and not repeat it.  We should ask Him for a willing spirit to be and do what He desires and for Him to sustain us.  Do you have that joy His salvation brings?  If not, take the steps that will bring that joy back because “the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).

             When we do have the joy of His salvation, a willing spirit and His sustaining power, then we desire to “teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.”  We will want others to experience the joy of His salvation that we have.  Do you have the joy of His salvation?  When was the last time you shared that joy with someone?

             I have been recovering from the flu this whole week.  A lot of laying around and resting, thinking about heaven where none of this sickness will exist.  What a joy that will be!  Yesterday the “chills” returned and I was in a recliner with two fleeces on and a knitted hat trying to say warm.  I was comfortable… somewhat.  One of our staff from the daycare came in and said there was a man at the door.  He had seen my plow truck and was wondering if I would plow Him out.  His regular plow guy’s truck broke down.  Well, I did not feel like it, but did so and it also gave me the opportunity to share part of my testimony and I encouraged Him to take a Gospel of John and read it.  He said He would.  Believe me, it would have been more “comfortable” staying in my recliner!  But we are not called to be comfortable.  We are called to be witnesses/disciple-makers.  So… how are we doing with that call Jesus gave to us in Matthew 24:14, 28:16-20 and Acts 1:8?  Let us share the joy of our salvation with others.  Yes, Father, may this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  All to honor You.

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