Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, and do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit. —Exodus 23:2-3
Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent. —Exodus 23:8
This is pretty clear to “not follow the crowd in doing wrong.” Just because “everyone else is doing it” does not mean it is right. Wrong is wrong and right is right. Good is good and evil is evil. I am reading a book by an atheistic relative who sees nothing wrong with doing wrong, but has experienced shame in doing wrong. Why? Because they know it is wrong! How said that those who experience such difficulty in life do not want to acknowledge the One, the Lord God Almighty, to help them walk through their difficulty. Instead, they grind it out, thinking it is all about them. Sad…
These type people don’t have a problem perverting justice, taking bribes, siding with the crowd in doing wrong, showing favoritism and twisting the words of the innocent. How sad it is that people can make rash judgments about individual followers of Jesus without even knowing them. So many times it is these people that have intellectual dishonesty and mental derangement. Beware of these people, brothers and sister, fellow followers of Jesus as we seek to do right according to God’s standards as He has revealed to us in His Word. Yes, may we be faithful followers of Jesus and do what is right as He did and is doing. Yes, Dear Father, may this be the focus of our lives by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus, my Lord.