Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!” —Psalm 35:27
What is our attitude and action toward others who are living for our Lord? Do we delight in them? Do we shout for joy because of them? Are we glad for them? Do we say because of them— “Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!” and do we see them as servants?
Think about this. When was the last time we thought of a follower of Jesus like this? Who is there that you can express these exclamations about? Then, on the other hand, are you and I living in such a way that others would make these shouts about us? Oh, that we would be living in such a way that they would!
Only will others think of us like this if we truly are servants. Jesus Himself is know as a servant and that is why He came—
A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. —Luke 22:24-27
Jesus came to serve. That is what servants do! He did not wait for others to come and serve Him. This was His purpose and it should be our purpose as well— “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Are we serving without any expectation in return? Or, are we serving with an expected return and do we expect others to serve us? We are called to be servants and not to be dependent on others serving us. Servants serve… and should do so with the right attitude. It is interesting that Jesus said, “and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (Mark 10:44). So… what mentality do you and I have? Are we serving out of servanthood or waiting for someone to serve us? Oh, that we would be serving others with a godly attitude…
Yes, Dear Father, may this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.