Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul…. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground! —Psalm 143:8, 10
The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. —Isaiah 50:4
To whom else could we go to that we could trust 24/7? To whom else could we go so that we could find steadfast love all the time? To whom else could we go to and find 100% perfect guidance? To whom else could we go to be led 100% faithfully? To whom else could we go to find perfect knowledge and understanding? To whom else could we go to who desires to teach us that which is really important?
This morning remember— He loves you with a steadfast love that does not cease… even when you blow it. This morning remember— you can trust Him fully…even when you don’t “feel” it. This morning remember— His desire is to guide you… yield to Him. This morning remember— His desire is to lead you… follow Him. This morning remember— Learn, be taught by the One who has perfect knowledge and understanding…put it into practice. This morning remember— He desires to teach you what is really important… take the time and listen.
All this our Lord desires to do for us. But are you listening? Take the time to do so! Business can rush us away from being with Him to hear what He has to say! Do you know the direction He seeks to lead you? Will you obey and go? Are you understanding His will and will your will line up with His will? Are you willing to listen and learn from Him? Then are you willing to put into practice what He has taught you? He teaches us not just for our benefit, but also for the benefit of others. Oh, that we would truly love God and people! (Matthew 22:37-40).
Yesterday, as Elaine and I were travelling to New York to see our daughter Hannah and her family, we stopped at a Planet Fitness in Whitehall, NY. For some reason Elaine always mentions that PF when we drive by. It’s near Teds’ Fish Fry 😊. So, on this trip I mentioned we should stop in and we did. While there I met a young man from China (name pronounced ‘howyou’) and the springboard of our conversation was the Celtics basketball playoff. That led into a discussion about Jesus after showing the half-moon illusionary cards. He took a Gospel of John, thanked me and said he would read it. All this to say, it was my time with our Lord in the morning that prepared me for this encounter. It is so important to start the day with Jesus as we follow Him through the day, being ready for what and who He has for us. Oh, Dear Father, may we be spending time with Jesus day by day and throughout the day. Yes, may this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus. So be it!–ks I hope Howyou enjoyed the Celtics game. It was literally a buzzer beater with a tap in with one tenth of a second left to give the Celtics the win! But, more important than that by far— may Howyou come to know Jesus!