“No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” —II Samuel 24:24

            What do I offer the Lord that is a cost to me?  Or, do I offer Him that which is really no cost to me at all?  The time that He has given me— is there any cost to me with the time I give to Him?  The talents that He has given me— is there any cost to me with the talents I give to Him?  The gifts that He has given me— is there any cost to me with the gifts I give to Him?  The abilities that He has given me— is there any cost to me with the abilities I give to Him?    The finances that He has given me— is there any cost to me with the finances I give to Him?  Truly, all that He has given me— is there any cost to me with what I give to Him?  Or do I give to the Lord that which costs me nothing?

            All that I am and all that I have is because of You, Lord.  You have given me the time that I have to live.  You have given me the talents that I have.  You have given me the gifts I have.   You have given me the abilities that I have.  You have given me the finances that I have.  You have given to me all that I have.

            Dear Father I am Yours and it is my desire to serve You out of loving gratitude in knowing You and for all You have done for me, are doing for me and will do for me.  Yes, I truly desire to live to honor You by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  May I do so!

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