But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man. —John 2:24-25
We are living through an unpredictable time with this COVID19 virus. Life has changed drastically. Who would have thought that all sporting activity would come to an end? Who would have thought that all schools and universities would close their campuses? Who would have thought that hospitals would stop all elective and non-emergency surgeries? Who would have thought that business would shut down and that millions would lose their jobs? Who would have thought that church building across the globe would be mostly empty? Who would have thought that the world would come to an almost standstill? Who would have thought that this would happen in just a few weeks?
During this time of uncertainly (from the human standpoint) who are we to believe what is going on? These doctors say this and these doctors say that. May times they are in contradiction to each other and they are the “experts.” There are those who tell us to wear masks and others tell us that masks can be harmful to our own health. So, who do we believe?
As followers of our Lord Jesus we can still navigate these times and be about His business. It may be different for many of us; although there are those in the underground church have been experiencing difficulties as believers for a long time. We can learn from them and should. Yet our Lord’s plans and purposes will go forward as faithful followers serve Him and people during this time. The Lord is working.
I am so grateful to know Jesus who is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). He shows us His way through this as we seek Him. He knows the truth about everything that is going on and we need to look to Him to navigate these times and always. It just may be He is adjusting our compasses! Jesus is also “the life.” He gives us abundant life now, yes even now. That does not change because of circumstances in our own lives or those that affect the whole world. We also, as followers of Jesus, rest in eternal life that we have in Him (I John 5:11-12). So, brothers and sisters, let us be faithful, let us be discerning, let us be expectant that He is doing so much through this time for His glory and may we line up with what He is doing, just as we should always be doing. Yes, may we be faithful to Him who knows what is the motive of all men and knows all things that are happening all over this planet at any time. Let us trust Him and serve Him.
May it be so, dear Father, in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. Your Word has not changed. Your work in our lives has not stopped. Your plans and purposes do not fail. Please help me, help us to adjust the compass of our lives to be in Your direction, in Your desires, in Your plans in purposes. Yes, so be it!