The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. —Psalm 28:6

  • The Lord is my strength
  • The Lord is my shield
  • The Lord is fully trustworthy
  • The Lord helps

How much strength do you and I really have?  Some little germ floating through the air can knock us down if it invades our body.  Pollen is so small and can make life miserable for those affected by it.  Even when we are in good health we are not very strong.  But our Lord is all-powerful and it is He who is my strength.  How glad I am that I can rest in His strength!

We have very little protection as well, not only from that which might invade our body, but from so many things on this earth.  Think about what people die from every day.  Take car accidents for an example.  How many times has our Lord shielded us from a car accident that could have ended in death?  Yes, I am grateful our Lord is our shield, our protector.  Only that which will further His purposes will happen to us.

Our Lord is fully trustworthy and I will trust Him even though it might not make sense to me.  I know that He is good and that He has my best interests in mind.  Again, He and only He is 100% trustworthy.  All other relationships with fail us, but He will never, never fail us.

He is my help.  This can be seen clearly in my life.  Things that I do not have the strength or natural desire to do He helps me to do.  How many times have I said, “Lord, you said you would never leave me nor forsake me.  You said that you would be with me until the end of the age.  So I will trust You for this.”  That is true when I am proclaiming His Word on a Sunday morning or a Saturday prison Chapel or at seminars or missions speaking.  I know that I would not naturally be doing these things if it were not for Him and His help.

Remember— The Lord is your strength!  The Lord is your shield!  The Lord is fully trustworthy!  The Lord helps!  That is true today and for the rest of your life.

Dear Father I am grateful to know these things and that I can live them out by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.  May I do so.

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