”David said to him, “How is it you were not afraid to put out your hand to destroy the LORD’s anointed?” —II Samuel 1:14
Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. —Hebrews 13:7-8
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account. To this end, allow them to lead with joy and not with grief, for that would be of no advantage to you. —Hebrews 13:17
Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw away disciples after them. —Act 20:28-30
This is a trustworthy saying: If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble task. —I Timothy 3:1
Leadership is not to be taken lightly. It is a serious ministry that the Lord has put a person in. King Saul was selected by God to be king over Israel (I Samuel 10:1). Yet, he was not a faithful and obedient king. God said, “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions” (I Samuel 15:11). But it was God who made Saul king and Saul made the choice to do what he desired and not what God desired. David still recognized that Saul had been anointed by God as king over Israel. Even when Saul sought to kill David, David would not kill Saul when he had opportunity because of that fact that God anointed Saul as king (I Samuel 24:6, 12; 26:11). David understood who put Saul into kingship and it was not his place to kill him. He understood God was in control and would carry out His plan in His time. David trust God for that and would not take things into his own hands.
There is a lack of respect for leadership today in our society as a whole and in the Church in which Jesus is the Head. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). People want token leaders so they can still do what they want to do. They do not consider that whether in society at large or in Jesus’ Church that it is the Lord who places them in the positions they are in (Romans 13:1-7; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11-13). Leaders are responsible as to how they lead and they will give account to God for this. But, so also will everyone else give an account as to how they treated their leaders!
Leaders are put into place by God. Those in the church are to follow the faithful example of their leaders. Leaders watch over the church. The church is to submit to the leadership. Leadership will give an account to God as to how they lead. Leadership that leads with joy and not grief is advantageous to the church. Leadership is to keep watch over other leaders and the flock that the Holy Spirit has placed them over. Leadership is to acknowledge that the church is the Lord’s church. Leadership is a “noble task.” The leader is to be a servant leader just as Jesus was when He was on earth.
Dear Father may I be a servant leader that seeks to honor You above all. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rznoe3zKxM