“Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” —Matthew 8:26
Can fear and faith mix? Why do I fear when I fear? When I fear is it because I am in circumstances that I cannot control and I do not trust the One who is in control? Do I lack faith in the One who is in control of all things at that moment that I fear? How do I overcome fear? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbAkKDBQoG8
The context of the verse above was when the disciples found themselves in a fierce storm. Water was coming into the boat as the waves broke. They absolutely believed they were going to drown. Yet Jesus was in the boat sleeping. They needed to trust in Him and not fear the circumstances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dR0H0tAYT8
We may be in a fierce storm of life and think “this is it.” Yet, do you not know fellow follower of Jesus that the Holy Spirit of God resides in you? He is in “your boat” and will not leave you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DorNUsi5LE Look to Him and not the circumstances. He is much bigger than any circumstance we may go through!
Dear Father, I am filled with joy knowing that I can trust You fully even when it does not make sense to me. How grateful I am for being Your child through Jesus and I know that You only have what is best for Your children even when we don’t understand the circumstances. Help me to always cling to Jesus and trust Him and not fear.