If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. —Matthew 5:7

Have you ever come in contact with a grumpy person? I am sure you have. It could have been a teacher, an employer, a cashier, but their face spoke volumes. They were not a happy camper and their words backed up their look.

How about you and I? Are we kind to all people or to only those we are friends with and those who are agreeable toward us? When is the last time you or I made a kind gesture toward a person other than a friend— even to a person who was a grump? Are you and I known for a kind disposition or a grumpy one? Let’s make a difference today with kind looks, words and actions!

Dear Father, may this be so. Be pleased to work in and through me in such a way as to be an encouragement to others today. May this be done to honor the Lord Jesus.

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