They will see his face… —Revelation 22:4

“Yes, I am coming soon.”—Revelation 22:7


Fellow follower of Jesus Christ our Lord, rejoice we will see Jesus face to face. We will soon be in His very presence. Our faith in Him will become sight. All of us who love Him will be with Him forever. All the pain and sorrow, trials and tribulations will fade into the past as we experience the great and awesome joy of being with Him and all who love Him. This is not fairy tale, this is reality. The insanity comes from all those who do not live in reality, do not believe in the One who loves them, the One who died for them to give them freedom. Instead the insanity of their belief systems encourage them to live in unreality. They do not believe in Jesus. They do not believe in His love for them. They do not believe in His compassion. They do not believe that He has the best in mind for them. They do not believe that He is the Creator and sustainer of all things. They do not believe that He enables them to breathe the very air they do. They do not believe He has given them the abilities that they have. They do not believe He is the One who is Sovereign over all things. They do not believe that one day they will see Him. They do not believe that He wants to be in relationship with them. Oh, they will see Him, but may they bow the knee now and see Him as Savior and not as judge. He is coming… we will see Him… we will look on His face… rejoice!

Dear Father, may it be so. Please, as the good news of Jesus Christ is shared with those around us, please, please draw them to Jesus. Oh, may it be so!

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