They repay me evil for good and leave me like one bereaved. —Psalm 35:12

They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my friendship. —Psalm 109:5

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. —Isaiah 5:20

            There are those who are doing evil and calling it good. When this happens it leaves one mourning like they would if a loved one died. It is painful for those who do good to have others to evil to them. This is a form of hatred that brings deep sorrow when one is treated like this when all that was being offered was friendship.

            Yes, there are those who call evil good and good evil. They have exchanged the light or truth of God for darkness or the lie of Satan. Here are a few examples in our culture that cause deep sorrow for those who follow Jesus while evil is being called good.

  • Promoting sexual activity outside marriage is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting of sexual identity contrary to God’s design is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting self in power positions is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting abortion of any kind is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting injustices of any level is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting idleness in the workplace is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting get rich quick schemes is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting discontentment is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan
  • Promoting bribery is against the light/truth/God and is for darkness/lying/Satan

The list can go on… but there are those who call these evil things that are against God good and they call the things God loves and are good evil. When this happens it causes the follower of Jesus to have a heaven, sorrowful heart, but fortunately we know the end of the story.   Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith. Let us run the race with perseverance that He has marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1-2). Regardless of what is happening in our world we are to be faithfully and lovingly obedient to what He has called us to. May that be so in our lives. Don’t get distracted! Yes, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!

Dear Father may I keep my focus on Your desires and not get distracted by this world’s evil ways. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.

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