Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. —Acts 5:42

“They never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” This happened “day after day.” No wonder “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).

I have seen this myself when the focus is on getting the gospel out. Both in California and New Hampshire when I have gone to where there are many, many people gathered and share the gospel with many there was always fruit. Within the multitudes there were those who were ready to trust Jesus and many willing to listen to discuss. But this is when there is focus on talking with many people specifically to share the good news about Jesus with them. Speaking with this number of people through a normal working day does not happen. It is only when there is a concentrated focus and this was happening day after day in the early church. How can this be done today?

Surely as we go through our “normal” day we need to be ready to bear a verbal witness for Jesus, but there also needs to be a concerted focus at other times to share the gospel with those outside our “regular” sphere of influence. Here’s an interesting thought from one of Ray Comfort’s team members:

“I must confess, I don’t always like street witnessing. It’s uncomfortable, it’s time-consuming, and few want to join me. But I’d love to show you why I think your church needs a street evangelism team. Let’s say that every week your church has two first-time guests. Assuming your pastor preaches the gospel in every service, that means in a year’s time 104 people will hear how to be saved (praise the Lord!). However, if you take a team of 10 people witnessing, split into 5 groups, and go for 2 hours, each group speaking with an average of 21 people, you will preach the gospel to 104 people.

Church service + 1 year = 104 people

Street team + 2 hours = 104 people

This is true. You can speak to many people in 2 hours if you go to where there are many people! A couple of evenings ago I spent 2 hours sharing the gospel among a multitude and shared with around 30 people myself. There were others sharing the gospel as well. I had opportunities to share Jesus with individuals, couples and groups. You know what? People were pleasantly engaging and thankful. That is not usually how we think in our minds it is going to happen. Unfortunately we can have negative thoughts in our minds that keep us from sharing the gospel. This is part of the spiritual warfare that is taking place. Satan will do anything he can to keep us from sharing the gospel. Fear is a big one! Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” Fear of man holds us like a snare to keep us from being and doing what the Lord desires. His Word is clear (Romans 10:13-15). May we be faithful in this area! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e_zYa0EY0Q

Oh Dear Father, please help me to not be distracted from being obedient in this area. Be pleased to work through Your taught and proclaimed Word to draw many people to Yourself. May this be so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.

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