And you shall rejoice in all the good that the LORD your God has given to you and to your house… —Deuteronomy 26:11

            Do you celebrate with joy for all the good our Lord God has given you and your house?  What do you rejoice in?  Rejoice in—

  • The joy of children/family
  • The food and clothing He has given you.
  • The water and other fluids He has given you to drink.
  • The shelter that you are living in.
  • The lungs to breathe in air.
  • The heart pumping continually without much thought from you.
  • The marvelous systems in all your body.
  • The years He has given you to live.
  • The new life/eternal life He gives in Jesus.
  • The new life/eternal life He has given family members.
  • The jobs He has given to provide for family and to help others.
  • The Body of Christ— such a wonderful and large family.
  • The gifts, abilities, resources He has given us to help others.
  • The opportunity to meet such a diverse group of people from around the world.
  • The opportunity to serve our Lord in a variety of ways.
  • The business we have of taking care of and teaching children.
  • The delight to observe the diversity of personality in these young children.
  • The ability to encourage these children.
  • The beauty of His creation.
  • The area that we live in.
  • The trees, hills, lakes, streams, birds and animals in our area.
  • The ability to write on a computer like this compared to the old mechanical typewriters.
  • The good that technology has brought.
  • The priority of knowing my Lord God Almighty.
  • The priority of having and listening to His Word.
  • The Holy Spirit residing in me, guiding me and empowering me to do God’s will.

There is so much to celebrate with joy for all that Jesus has done, is doing and will do.  How can this be that the One who created all things loves me so much?  I do not fully understand that, but I rejoice in that fact.  Yes, of all the people of the earth, those who follow Jesus should be the most joyful, rejoicing, hopeful and expectant!  May this be so, Dear Father, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

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