Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil. —Ecclesiastes 8:11

            Now here is a statement of fact that can be easily seen in our society and in the world.  Evil will increase when “the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily.”  Not only that, we are seeing in our society evil deeds are not even being brought before the law.  Many committing evil deeds are let go and there is no sentence, no consequence for many doing evil.  There is no deterrent to evil and so evil increases. 

            Isn’t it interesting that the heart of man unchecked by laws will typically be drawn to do evil.  This is the nature of man ever since sin entered the human race.  It did not take very long for the serious wickedness of sin, rebellion against God, to take root in man’s heart.  Look at Cain.  His sinful anger, his jealous attitude brought him to the point of killing his brother and our Lord brought a consequence on Cain and “Cain said to the Lord, ‘My punishment is more than I can bear.’”  Yes, Cain was punished for his evil deed that came from his evil heart (Genesis 4:1-13).

            If our judicial system does not speedily execute justice when evil deeds are done, then evil will continue to increase.  This is so basic and yet our present government (2024) truly seems to be promoting evil by not carrying out the law speedily, by releasing those who have done evil without punishment, by defunding the police who help carry out the law… Yes, it appears the present government desires evil to increase and it has.

Dear Father, please help us.  Our nation is a mess.  Our government is a mess.  Be pleased to have Your children be voted into office to make a difference.  I know this world will get more evil as time goes on, but I also know that You can put people in places to make a positive difference in this dark world.  May You be pleased to do so in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  Yes, so may it be.

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