Like a snow-cooled drink at harvest time is a trustworthy messenger to the one who sends him; he refreshes the spirit of his master. —Proverbs 25:13

Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. —Proverbs 25:25

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. —Proverbs 27:19

            Try to imagine this— it is very hot and you have been working hard.  Yes, you are perspiring or, plan and simply, you are sweating profusely!  Your mouth is dry.  Oh, how thirsty you are!  Then someone hands you a nice, cool drink of water.  Aaaah… how refreshing… how satisfying…  It was just what was needed.

            Or, you are weary.  Life has been hard.  You are feeling beat down, weary from all the negative “stuff” that has been happening around you and to you.  But then… someone hands you a cool drink and there is a sense of satisfaction.

            Water… does much for us in various situations.  It is a common, needed part of our lives and there are times when water refreshes us.  Water is a great reflector as well.  It is such a joy to be near water— the ocean, a stream, a river, a pond, a lake or even sometimes just a mud puddle— when it reflects an image perfectly.

            Water… a trustworthy messenger is like that “snow-cooled drink at harvest time.”  The messenger brings joy to the master who sent him.  Am I “Like a snow-cooled drink at harvest time” to my Master, my Lord… my King Jesus?  Oh, that it would be so!

            Water… good news from a distant land is “Like cold water to a weary soul.”  Am I a bearer of good news that brings refreshment to people?  Oh, that it would be so!

            Water… what does my life reflect about my heart?  Does my life reflect the heart of Jesus more and more?  Or, is my heart reflecting more of myself.  Oh, Dear Father, may I be a trustworthy messenger.  May I bring good news to others far and near.  Yes, may I also be a reflection of my Lord Jesus by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son Jesus.  So be it…

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