Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.  —Psalms 119:89

Do not go beyond what is written. —I Corinthians 4:6

Therefore I urge you to imitate me. —I Corinthians 4:16

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. —I Corinthians 11:1

            I am not going to trust the fleeting faithfulness or deception of man’s word.  People can just speak words and expect you to take it at face value as if they are speaking truth.  Unfortunately, as we live in a sinful and fallen world, there are many intentional deceivers, speaking words they do not really mean.

            How grateful I am that we have the Word of God that does not change.  His Word is fixed and we can depend on what He says 100% of the time.  Only He is that trustworthy.  No man can be trusted 100% of the time.

            The Corinthians, as well as we, are told to “not go beyond what is written.”  Beware of those that teach what is not in the Word of God or that does not line up with what God says.  If we stick to what God has said, then we will be going in the right direction.  If we go contrary to the Word of God, well, that will only lead to destructive ways.

            Paul was so confident of this that He said, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”  He also said, “Therefore I urge you to imitate me.”  As Paul was imitating Jesus, follow His example and His ways, so Paul says to us— imitate me, follow the pattern of me as I am following the pattern of Jesus.  So, we are to follow Paul as He follows Jesus.  Can we say that to others?  Can we say, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ?”  Are we such a follower of Jesus that we can encourage others to follow our example of following Him?   Oh, that it would be so and all for God’s honor and glory!

Yes, Dear Father, may this be so by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Your Son and my Lord, Jesus.  Yes, may I be this type of an example!

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