They came to the iron gate leading into the city. It opened for them of its own accord. —Acts 12:10
To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. —Revelation 3:7
God is the God of the impossible as man sees it. What man cannot do, God can do. Imagine a locked iron gate opening up all by itself! You don’t have to imagine it because it really happened!
Think about it. Let’s say you have a heavy metal door in front of you that is locked and there is no way you can get through it. Then it opens all by itself without you or anyone else touching it.
Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). He who created all things surely can open a door and do anything else He desires to do. Is God asking you to do something that is beyond your capability? What He asks you to do He will do even when you do not understand how it will be done. He wants you to do what you can do through Him and He will take care of the door that seems so locked and secure from your perspective and open it! It is true— “What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” So… the door is locked, shut tightly before you, but He is asking you to walk through it. Will you? What do you do first? You pray and then start walking toward that door with expectation. He who has asked you to walk through the door will open it when you get to it… but you have to get to it. So walk and expect it will open. The door God has called you to walk through He will open for you. “What He opens no man can shut.” So get going!
Dear Father whatever door You call me to that looks impossible from my perspective, help me to walk toward it and expect You to open it as You desire. I know that what door You call me to walk through You will open. Now… may I walk toward it in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus. So be it!