Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. —Habakkuk 3:17-18
Do we trust God only when things are going well? Will we trust Him when things are not going as we think they should? Habakkuk concluded that this is what he would do. Even if things were not going well he would “rejoice in the LORD” and “take joy in the God of (his) salvation.” He ultimately knew were his hope was— it was in God alone and not the circumstances that surrounded him— bad as they may be.
So what is going on in your life? There may be shortfalls of various sorts. Things just are not going as you had hoped they would. You may be feeling doubtful, discouraged or even depressed or despairing or even thinking “why even go on.” You need to get perspective. You need to look to the Lord and remind yourself Who He is! Do not allow the circumstances to control your thinking.
He is the God of our eternal salvation. This time is short here. We will be with Him forever in that perfect place where whatever it is you are going through will not exist there. We will be with all those who love the Lord and there will never be conflict there. There will never be shortages there and there will never be disappointments there. Don’t get your eyes off of the Lord and only focus on disappointing circumstances. Get your eyes back on Him and Who He is!
Yes, take joy in the Lord and rejoice in Who He is and understand that He is working. He is always working to fulfill His purposes even though we do not understand so much of it. He has given us enough to understand to trust Him with what we do not understand. So, rejoice in the Lord! Be joyful in God of your salvation! You are safe and secure in Him… forever!