Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. —100:4

Are you thankful? Do you praise the Lord? We are to give Him thanks and we are to praise His Name! This goes beyond how we may be feeling at any given time. At times we may not feel like responding this way as we focus what hard things that may be happening in our lives. Really though, these are the times when we need to be thanking Him and praising His Name. Soon our seemingly difficult circumstances begin to fade as we focus on His goodness, loving-kindness and faithfulness.

Thank You Lord for giving me physical life. Thank You Lord for causing me to be born-again. Thank You Father for drawing me to Jesus. Thank You Lord for Your daily provision in so many areas. Thank You Lord for family and friends. Thank You Lord for Your Church. Thank You Lord where we live. Thank You Lord for allowing me to serve You in various areas. Thank You Lord for Your patience with me. Thank You Lord for Your goodness always. Thank You Lord that You are fully trustworthy. Thank You Lord that You are over all things. Thank You Lord that nothing escapes Your notice. Thank You Lord that You are going to make all things new. Thank You Lord for my home in heaven with You and all who love You.

I praise You Lord for all Your Creation- for light & darkness, for the sky, for the oceans and land, for the sun, moon and stars, for all the fish and fowl, for all the land animals and for people. I praise You for Your design and purposes in all these. I praise You for always being and that I can call on You at any times. I praise You for understand all things. I praise You for knowing me. I praise You for loving me. I praise You for knowing all motives. I praise You for always doing the right things.

There is so much to thank Him for. There is so much to praise Him for. We may live in a fallen world, but there still is plenty to thank and praise Him for. Yes, let us thank and praise Him regularly. This will give us a different perspective…

Dear Father, may I thank and praise You often regardless of what is happening in my life. Yes, may I have this attitude in the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus.

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