“Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me… —Revelation 15:15

Jesus came that first Christmas as a baby and was born in a manger. He was the Lamb that would be slain on the cross for our sins. He did not travel very far from His earthly home while He lived on earth. He was not known by much of the world’s population during His life on this planet. The next time He comes He will be coming as a Lion to judge this world and none will ignore or escape Him. The whole world will know it when He comes the next time! Just as it is factual that the first event happened, so it is factual that the second event will occur.

The majority of people will not expect Him to come back. They will not be looking for it. But the followers of Jesus are looking for His coming. It could happen in our lifetime. But whether it does or not, we shall see Jesus! Then we will be with Him forever in that perfect place—Heaven. Are you watching… expecting Him? Be ready…

Dear Father, thank You for my home in Heaven. I so look forward to being there with the Lord Jesus and all who love Him. May it be soon. So be it!

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