For Herod had arrested and imprisoned John as a favor to his wife Herodias (the former wife of Herod’s brother Philip). John had been telling Herod, “It is against God’s law for you to marry her.” —Matthew 14:3-4

Some people’s voices rise in decibels when they can’t persuade someone in a conversation. The idea is something like “If you don’t have the information to persuade a person, just raise your voice to intimidate them.” But now our world is seeing a new level of intimidation. We are seeing those who cannot persuade others over to their side killing their opposition. Convert or die is surely not the Biblical Christian gospel. Those who seek to force others to convert to their side are satanically motivated.

So it was in the above verses. John the Baptist communicated the truth of God’s Word to Herod and Herod did not like it. In this case Herod, being in a governmental power position, had John thrown into prison. Then Herod eventually ordered the execution of John. What was John’s crime? He spoke the truth of God’s Word and for that he died.

Many Christians are presently dying in various parts of our world because they are adhering to the Word of God. Other Christians are being “shouted” down by courts who do not agree with their stand on the Word of God. They are being fined and they are also losing their businesses.

Listen, this is the fallen world that we are living in and it is being controlled by Satan, the head of the kingdom of darkness (I John 5:19; Colossians 1:13). Those in that dark kingdom are in “the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (II Timothy 2:26). Satan has those who have not trusted the Lord Jesus “captive.” Not only are they being held “captive” by him, but they are also “doing his will.” Who is behind all the evil in the world? It is Satan. He is the instigator of everything that is not good.

Rejoice you who have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ. You have been set free and are no longer in prison to Satan. You are free in the Lord Jesus Christ. You are no longer in the kingdom of darkness but you are in the kingdom of Light— the kingdom of God’s dear Son. Our home is in heaven. It is not on this planet. We are just passing through, journeying to that home. May we be faithful in the journey even though we might go through some rough times. Jesus is always faithful and will bring us to our home in heaven. Cling to Him!

Dear Father, thank You for the place awaiting me in glory. I can’t wait to get to heaven to see Jesus and all who love Him. Oh, may I be faithful in the journey You have laid out for me and hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” May it be so!

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