There is a time for everything… —Ecclesiastes 2:1

He has made everything beautiful in its time. —Ecclesiastes 2:11

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. — Romans 8:28

Wars, crimes, sickness, earthquakes, corruption, fires, tears, death, mourning… Headlines are filled with the difficulties of the human race. The world has shed oceans of tears as hearts have ached through the painful realities life brings at times. You know the heartache I speak about. All people go through it— some more than others.

There surely is a time for everything whether we like it or not. If we had the opportunity to write the script for our lives, how differently would we write it? Wouldn’t we leave all the difficult parts out? Yet, as hard as our lives may be at times, somehow the Lord God Almighty will bring beauty out of it in His timing. We cannot understand how that can be only as we look at examples He has given us in His Word or from experiences He has brought us or others through where we have seen the good and beauty He has brought out of it.

Yet for much of what happens in our lives that is difficult we may never know in this life how He is making it beautiful or working it out for our good. This is where we will either trust His Word fully or whether doubts will rise up in our hearts.

I was talking with a man in prison recently who was telling me about a situation that occurred in his life when he was eighteen years old. Now, 22 years later he is serving a few years for that inappropriate choice, but he has lost everything material thing because of it— his home, his well established business… everything. He was asking me how God could bring anything good out of it.

The first thing I ask was whether God would have gotten his attention if he was not in prison. “No, probably not,” he said. Then there is one beautiful thing that has happened that we can know. He brought you into an eternal love relationship that will never end! The man smiled. Then we talk at length about Joseph’s life and how the Lord God Almighty brought about some amazing things in his life, but not without much difficulty. Joseph was faithful whatever situation he found himself in. We need to be faithful and trust God to work out what He desires in our lives in His time… not ours. A grand smile engulfed his face as the truth of God’s Word encouraged him. God is not hindered from carrying out what He desires in our lives. He will do it.

Are you feeling like God cannot bring anything good out of your situation? That is only a feeling and it is a wrong one. If you have truly trusted the Lord Jesus Christ, then He will work all things in our life, yes all things, for good. He will make all things beautiful in His time. He is the only one who can do it! Be faithful and trust Him!

Dear Father, thank You that there are reasons for everything that happens in our lives. Help me to trust You when I don’t understand and when I do understand. I am grateful to know that You know how all things are working together for my good and that You are doing something beautiful that I cannot fully comprehend. But I am thankful to know that You are working these things together for good, that You are making these things beautiful. I am grateful to know this!

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