This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome… —I John 5:2-3

Children who truly love their parents are compliant children. Obedience for these children is not a burden, but they truly want to do what is right and please their parents. Their home is not a perfect home, but there is much more harmony in it than in other homes where children are rebellious.

Those who truly love God, shown by being obedient to Him, love His church as well. The church is every person on this planet who truly loves and lives for the Lord Jesus Christ. We are told in the verses above that we can know if we love the children of God, His Church, by our love for God and by being obedient to Him.

So, do you love the children of God, His church? If you truly love God and are keeping His Word, then you do. But, if you are saying you love God and are not keeping His Word, then you do not.

For those people who say they do not need to attend church, then they do not understand what the church is and do not love the church. They are not being obedient to God which shows they really do not love Him as well. This is very clear from the verses above.

Oh, that we would truly love the children of God, His church which is seen by loving God and keeping His commands. His commands are not a burden to keep for those who truly love Him. Those who love Him are seeking to be His compliant children.

Dear Father, may I truly love You and Your people, the church. Please help me to be a compliant child and not a complaining child. My desire is to honor the Lord Jesus and may I do so!

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